April 18-19, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey Back

International Conference on Agricultural, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ACEE-16) 

April 18-19, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey 



Prof. Dr. Bülent TOPCUOGLU
Prof. Kazuaki Maeda






Sr.No.Paper Title & Author(s)Page No.
1Phytotoxicity of Copper on the Physiological Parameters of two Varieties of broad bean (Vicia faba)
S. Benouis, H- AH. Reguieg Yssaad
2Efficiency of promising varieties and new fungicides against fungal diseases of potato in the southeast of Kazakhstan
Dinara Sharipova, Temirzhan Aitbayev and Tulepbergen Tazhibaev
3Impact of Water-Saving Irrigation Technology on Yield and Quality of White Cabbage Varieties in the South-Еast Kazakhstan
Seidazimova D., Aitbayev T., and Kampitova G.
4Removal of Copper from Water System using Moringa oleifera Press Cake
Eman Noori Ali
5Modeling and Optimization of Liqvan Rainfall–Runoff Using Genetic Algorithm and Moving Aggregation Method
S. Hashemi Kia, M. Hashemi kia, and A. Fakheri Fard
6An Analytical Study of the Impact of Streetscape in Jeddah on Social Behavior of the Users
Dr. Mohamed Fekry Mahmoud and Dr. Samah El Khateeb
7Ionospheric Observation over Turkey by using Turkish Permanent GPS Stations
Kutubuddin ANSARI, and Ozsen CORUMLUOGLU
8Prediction of Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Value in Izmir, Turkey using General Regression Neural Network
Y. Erzin and Y. Tuskan
9Temperature Distribution in a Grain-Dryer with Induction Heaters
H. Isembergenov, and A. Sagyndikova
10Effect of Fertilizers on Productivity of Corn-Soybean Rotation
Karlyga Karayeva, and Rakhymzhan Yeleshev
11A Study of Determination Energy Costs and Factors Affecting the Energy Efficiency for Milking Mechanization
A. Duman, E. Gönülol, and P. Ülger
12Effectiveness of the Alternative Fertilizer Application on Spring Wheat on Сhernozem Soils in Northern Kazakhstan
Ainur Mukhanbet, Abilzhan Khusainov, Alimbai Balgabayev and Anuar Zhumakayev
13A Case Study on Reduction of Traffic Congestion of Dhaka City: Banani Intersection
T.U. Chowdhury, Shahriar Mohammad Raihan, Abrar Fahim, and M.A. Afrahim Bhuiyan
14Removal of Pollutants from Waste Foundry Sand by Chemical Washing Method
S. Balbay, and C. Acikgoz
15Spectrofluorometric Characterization of Adsorption of Different Molecular Size Fractions of Humic Acid onto Anion-Doped TiO2 Specimens
P. Akan, N. C. Birben and M. Bekbolet
16School Environment and Students’ Comfort – A Review Paper
Ibrahim Can Korkut
17Indexes for Evaluating and Predicting Toxic Algal Blooms, application to Mattatall Lake (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Kateryna Hushchyna, and Tri Nguyen-Quang

Eminent Committee Members

  • Prof. Dr. Kei Eguchi

  • Dr. Tosaporn Mahamud

  • Prof. Kazuaki Maeda

  • Prof. Dr. Bulent Topcuoglu

  • Dr. Hemantkumar P. Bulsara