Dec. 25-26, 2016 Bangkok (Thailand) Back

5th International Conference on Food, Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ICFABS-2016)
Dec. 25-26, 2016 Bangkok (Thailand)

Prof. Dr. Naime Arslan
Dr. Thaweesak Yingthawornsuk

ISBN: 978-93-84468-88-0


Sr.No.Paper Title & Author(s)Page No.
1The Management of Organic Wastes Produced Vermicompost Using Earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae and Effects of Vermicompost on Growth of Helianthus annuus
Pitchya Tangsombatvichit, Sakuntep Chupong, Daojarus Ketrot, and Kitti Boonlerthirun
2Screening on Lipase-producing Bacteria Isolated from Oil Mill Soil
Khaing Phyo Wai, Weine Nway Nway Oo, and Moe Thazin Shwe
3Development of Photoperiod-insensitive Mutants from Rice var. Ayarmin (Machando) by Using Gamma Radiation
Nay Aung, Aye Aye Khai, and Myat Minn
4Investigation of Heavy Metal Removal by Sargassum spp from Industrial Wastewater
Hlaing Swe Win, Saw Sandar Maw, and Hnin Hnin Htun
5Investigation of Toxic Heavy Metal Removal Activity of Activated Coconut Husk as Solid Support Medium for Isolated Bacterial Strains
Sa Aung Ko Ko, Saw Sandar Maw, and Zaw Khaing Oo
6Cytotoxic Effect of a Mycelial extracts on Different Cell lines and Experimental Animals
Osman, M.E., Wafaa Ahmed., Heba, E.E. and Om Hashim.M
7Chicken Eggshell Waste as a Suitable Catalyst for Transesterification of Palm Oil: Optimization for Biodiesel Production
Thi Thi Win, and May Myat Khine
8Graft Copolymerization of Acrylic Monomers onto Coir Dust by Using Gamma Irradiator of Co-60 Source for Superabsorbent Polymer
Min Naing, and Khin Khin Lay
9Ameliorative Role of Moringa oleifera Plant Extract Against Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Induced Sperm and Sex Hormones Abnormalities in Male Albino Rats
Sabha Elsayed Elballat
10Some New Parameters Can Be Used In Diagnosis of Subclinical Mastitis in Buffaloes
Salama, E. M., and Saad A.H
11Effect of Some Natural Extracts On Shelf Life of Chilled Lucioperca Lucioperca Fillets
Mohamed A. Hussein, Elsaid A. Eldaly, and Huda K. Hussein
12Effect of Mirazid on the Micronuclei Polychromatic Erythrocyte Cells (MNPCEs) In the Bone Marrow Cells of Schistosoma Infected and Non Infected Mice
Fawzia Abd Elhady Zayed, Hasanat El-Sayed Metwally ALI, and Amani Abdelhamid Mahmoud
13Plasma Lipid Profiles, Milk Yield and Milk Fat Concentration of Lactating Holstein Fed Rumen-Protected Choline
Indra S. Hesti, D. Trizana, A. Wicaksono, P. Sambodho, Christina B. Soejono, Sri A. B. Santoso, A. Subrata, and Dian W. Harjanti

Eminent Committee Members

  • Prof. Dr. Kei Eguchi

  • Dr. Tosaporn Mahamud

  • Prof. Kazuaki Maeda

  • Prof. Dr. Bulent Topcuoglu

  • Dr. Hemantkumar P. Bulsara