IEATE-21, WCBES-21, ACBES-21 & PL2ES2-21
ISBN - 978-989-53228-0-0
Editors -
Prof. Dr. Bulent Topcuoglu
Dr. Hemantkumar P. Bulsara
Dr. G. Mahadevan
Sr.No. | Paper Title & Author(s) | Page No. |
1 | Students’ Estimation of Interior Spaces Dimensions Using Virtual Reality Ahmed Kandil and Rehab Moussa | 1 |
2 | Recent Techniques in Nutritional Management of Walnut Plant Bülent Topcuoğlu | 5 |
3 | New Approaches to Evaluation in Soil and Plant Analysis as a Component of Sustainable Plant Nutrition Management Bülent Topcuoğlu | 22 |
4 | CiSTEM: Forming Citizens from STEM Claudia Camacho Zuñiga and Maritza Peña Becerril | 26 |
Prof. Dr. Kei Eguchi
Dr. Tosaporn Mahamud
Prof. Kazuaki Maeda
Prof. Dr. Bulent Topcuoglu
Dr. Hemantkumar P. Bulsara